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Zodiac Chart

Unpacking the Evolved and Unevolved Traits of Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

Exploring the nuances of Virgo shows the range there is between one’s evolved and unevolved traits in this placement. Virgo is known for their attention to detail, analytical thinking, and their care-taking nature. Depending on where someone is at in their journey, these traits can present in very different ways. Being the 6th sign, Virgo is associated with the 6th House - the House of your work environment, day-to-day, and routines. In this article, we’ll examine how the precision and practicality of an unevolved Virgo diverge from the refined, purposeful attributes of an evolved Virgo.

The “big 6” in Astrology refers to one’s Ascendant, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, or Venus placement.

Being evolved means that one is more grounded and "mature" in a certain area of life. While being unevolved means that one may be out of balance or have more growth to do in a certain area of life.


The Ascendant (also referred to as one’s rising sign) is determined by the exact time that you were born. As this does change about every two hours, it’s important to have the correct, exact time! The time itself can help determine the degree of your Ascendant sign. The Ascendant is represented in your Astrology chart in your 1st House! The House of Self.


An evolved Virgo Ascendant shows as calm, with a grounded demeanor that exudes reliability and meticulous care in all aspects of life. They approach challenges with a clear, analytical mindset, using their keen observational skills to solve problems and improve situations for themselves and others. Their attention to detail is matched by a genuine sense of service and humility, as they strive to make meaningful contributions without seeking recognition. This placement allows them to create harmonious and productive environments, fostering deep connections built on trust and thoughtful consideration.


An unevolved Virgo Ascendant may exhibit a tendency toward excessive self-criticism and perfectionism, which can lead to a reserved or overly cautious demeanor. Their focus on details can become a source of stress, causing them to micromanage or fixate on minor issues while overlooking the bigger picture. This placement might lead to difficulties in expressing warmth and spontaneity, as they may prioritize practicality and order over emotional connection. Their need for control and fear of making mistakes can sometimes create barriers in relationships and hinder personal growth.


The Sun in Astrology is seen as the center of everything, just as it is seen in our solar system! It represents your inner self, and can define aspirations and what you want from life. It can also be used to focus on the source of your vitality! Your Sun sign is determined by the day that you were born. 


This version of Leo has a deep sense of purpose and precision, approaching life with a blend of meticulous attention and compassionate service. They excel in practical problem-solving and use their analytical skills to enhance their surroundings and support those around them. Their approach is marked by humility and a genuine desire to improve the world, often channeling their energy into meaningful and constructive endeavors. This evolved Virgo Sun balances their critical eye with a warm, supportive nature, fostering strong, harmonious relationships and contributing positively to their communities. There’s a deep, underlying need to help those around them in any way that they can - this is a true caretaker sign. 


An unevolved Virgo Sun can be characterized by excessive self-criticism and an obsessive focus on perfection, leading to a tendency to overanalyze and worry about minor details. Their need for control and order might overshadow their ability to connect emotionally, making them appear overly reserved or detached. This placement can struggle to focus on another’s flaws – which can create tension in relationships and hinder their personal growth. Their critical nature may become a barrier to embracing spontaneity and joy, as they struggle with accepting imperfections and finding balance.


The Moon in Astrology is what can show us where we are more emotional and where our needs are. It can also provide one with what their emotional wants and powers are. Knowing this can provide more insight into ways to strengthen ourselves emotionally and know what to be mindful of for improvement! Additionally, the Moon is one of the most important aspects for children, as it shows what they need the most. The Moon is determined by the precise location of where it was in the sky when you were born.


With a grounded approach to emotions with a calm, thoughtful demeanor, that is accompanied by a deep sense of practicality and emotional intelligence. They provide steady, reliable support to their loved ones, using their analytical skills to understand and address the needs of those around them. Their ability to offer constructive feedback and thoughtful solutions makes them a stabilizing presence in relationships. This placement blends attention to detail with genuine compassion. Which leads to creating a nurturing environment where their emotional support is both practical and profoundly caring.


An unevolved Virgo Moon can be seen as one who falls into excessive worry and self-criticism, leading to a tendency to overanalyze emotions and relationships. Their focus on perfectionism and minor details might cause them to miss the broader emotional context, resulting in a detached or overly critical demeanor. This placement may lead to difficulties in expressing vulnerability, as they might prioritize practicality over emotional connection. Their emotional responses can become overly cautious or reserved, creating challenges in building deep, trusting relationships and finding balance between their own needs and those of others.


The planet of communication, learning, and writing - basically anything that involves how the mind works! Since Mercury is closest to the Sun, it will also be in the same sign or within one sign away from your Sun sign.


An evolved Mercury in Virgo communicates with clarity and precision, using the best of their analytical Virgo mind to offer insightful and practical solutions. They have a keen ability to process information meticulously and convey it in a way that is both informative and helpful. Their thoughtful approach to conversation and problem-solving allows them to offer valuable advice and support, often focusing on improving systems and processes. 


This version of Virgo may exhibit a tendency toward overcritical and nitpicky communication, often focusing on minor details and flaws at the expense of the bigger picture. Their analytical nature can lead to excessive worrying and overthinking, which might result in communication that is overly pedantic or dismissive of broader perspectives. This placement can also manifest as difficulty in expressing ideas with warmth and flexibility. Their need for perfection can create challenges in conversations, potentially leading to misunderstandings or strained interactions due to their critical or overly detail-oriented approach.


The planet of love and femininity! In one’s chart, this can show how they go about romantic relationships, and how they express/see beauty and artistry. Venus is determined by where it was in the sky when you were born. Venus is in one zodiac sign for about 30 days before moving into the next sign. 


An evolved Venus in Virgo expresses love with a blend of practicality and deep care, focusing on thoughtful, meaningful gestures that reflect genuine affection. They approach relationships with a keen sense of responsibility and attention to detail, striving to improve and nurture their connections through supportive and considerate actions. Their love is demonstrated through acts of service and an attentive, problem-solving attitude, creating a stable and harmonious environment for their partners. This placement balances their analytical nature with a profound sense of compassion, ensuring that their expressions of love are both sincere and impactful.


An unevolved Venus in Virgo may struggle with perfectionism and a critical approach to love, leading to overly analytical or fault-finding behavior in relationships. Their focus on details and ideals can sometimes overshadow the warmth and spontaneity needed for a deep emotional connection. This placement might manifest as a tendency to withhold affection or be overly reserved, driven by fears of inadequacy or a desire to control outcomes. Their need for order and perfection in their relationships can create tension and make it challenging to embrace the natural ebb and flow of emotional intimacy.


Mars rules over masculinity in Astrology! This planet is all about taking action, being assertive, and one’s impulses. Similar to Venus, Mars is determined by where exactly in the sky it was when you were born. However, it usually takes about two months in a sign before it changes to the next. It also goes retrograde about every 26 months, which is why it’s important to know your exact birth time!


An evolved Mars in Virgo channels its energy into productive and precise actions, driven by a strong sense of purpose and attention to detail. They approach tasks with a methodical and disciplined mindset, using their analytical skills to solve problems efficiently and effectively. Their assertiveness is balanced by a genuine desire to improve and support their environment, leading to impactful and constructive efforts. This placement allows them to pursue their goals with both clarity and dedication, fostering a sense of accomplishment through careful planning and thoughtful execution.


An unevolved Mars in Virgo may exhibit a tendency toward excessive worry and self-criticism, leading to indecisiveness and overanalysis. Their focus on perfectionism can result in a cautious or hesitant approach, causing them to become bogged down by minor details and lose sight of broader objectives. This placement might manifest as a tendency to micromanage or become overly critical of themselves and others, which can hinder progress and create tension. Their drive to achieve can become counterproductive if they are unable to balance their high standards with a more flexible and proactive attitude.


Want to know more about how different signs show up in your chart and how to grow within them? Book a reading!



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