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Zodiac Chart

Nurturing the Water child: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces placements

Parenthood is a journey filled with both challenges and immense joy. Every parent strives to nurture their child and support their unique growth and development.

In this article, we'll explore key indicators for children with water sign placements in their Big 6 (the Ascendant, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars). Children with water placements are often deeply intuitive, emotional, and sensitive, with a natural empathy and a strong connection to their inner world.

To get started, review your child's astrological chart here and note the zodiac signs in their Big 6. If water placements (represented by blue symbols on Astro Seek) are present, stay tuned for valuable insights!

water signs

Cancer in your child's Big 6

A Cancer child is naturally nurturing, deeply emotional, and highly intuitive. They have a strong desire to feel secure and connected to their family, often showing a heightened sensitivity to the moods and needs of those around them. Their empathy and caring nature can sometimes lead them to become easily hurt or withdrawn if they feel insecure or misunderstood.

Nurturing a Cancer child involves providing a stable and loving environment where they can feel safe and cherished. Engage them in activities that foster emotional connection and creativity, such as family gatherings, storytelling, and arts and crafts. They often enjoy home-centered activities that allow them to express their feelings and imagination.

When communicating with a Cancer child, it's important to approach them with empathy and understanding. Gentle reassurance and a calm, soothing tone can help them feel more secure and open to discussion. Encourage them to share their feelings and listen attentively, validating their emotions without judgment. Creating a routine and structure can also provide them with a sense of security and predictability.

Secure Cancer children grow up to be compassionate and caring individuals with a strong sense of loyalty and empathy. While they may sometimes struggle with setting boundaries due to their deep sensitivity, other placements in their Big 6 can help balance these traits, allowing them to navigate the world with both heart and resilience.

Pisces in your child's Big 6

A Pisces child is a dreamer with a vivid imagination, deep sensitivity, and a strong sense of empathy. They often have a rich inner world and can be incredibly intuitive, picking up on the emotions and energies of those around them. Their compassionate and artistic nature can sometimes lead them to be easily overwhelmed by the harsh realities of life.

Nurturing a Pisces child involves creating an environment where their creativity and sensitivity are valued and protected. Engage them in activities that allow them to express their artistic side, such as painting, music, and imaginative play. Reading stories together, exploring nature, and encouraging their love for fantasy can also help them feel understood and supported.

When communicating with a Pisces child, it's essential to approach them with kindness and patience. They respond well to gentle guidance and reassurance. Encourage them to share their dreams and feelings, and be sure to listen attentively, offering comfort and understanding. Helping them develop healthy boundaries is important, as their empathetic nature can sometimes make them vulnerable to taking on others' emotions.

Secure Pisces children grow up to be compassionate and imaginative individuals with a deep sense of empathy and a unique perspective on life. While they may sometimes struggle with staying grounded due to their dreamy nature, other placements in their Big 6 can help provide balance, allowing them to navigate the world with both creativity and emotional intelligence.

Scorpio in your child's Big 6

A Scorpio child is intense, passionate, and deeply perceptive. They possess a strong will and an innate ability to understand the deeper layers of emotions and situations around them. Often seen as mysterious or secretive, Scorpio children are fiercely loyal and have a natural inclination towards truth and authenticity.

Nurturing a Scorpio child involves providing an environment where they feel safe to express their deep emotions and explore their interests. Encourage activities that allow them to delve into their passions, such as investigative projects, puzzles, and sports that require strategy and determination. They often enjoy activities that challenge them and allow them to explore their inner strength.

When communicating with a Scorpio child, it's crucial to be honest and direct. They can sense insincerity and may withdraw if they feel mistrusted. Building a strong, trusting relationship with them involves respecting their need for privacy and giving them space when needed. Encourage open dialogue about their feelings and validate their experiences, helping them navigate their intense emotions in a healthy way.

Secure Scorpio children grow up to be powerful and insightful individuals with a keen understanding of the world around them. While they may sometimes struggle with trust issues due to their deep sensitivity, other placements in their Big 6 can help provide balance, allowing them to harness their intensity and passion in constructive and positive ways.


For information on how to nurture chidren with fire placements, check out our previous blog post!



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